We have buried the bath a bit and arched some limestone in front of it creating flower beds on two levels.
We are designing all the berm's flower beds on many levels. In that way, one day, when all is in bloom on the whole berm, we should see all the flowers in one look from the house since they'll be at different strata.
Look at Scruffy ... just waiting to be the first one to try the latest extension to the meandering path along the berm. This section winds into the new strawberry patch. Won't it be neat once the edges of the path have grown in with ferns, hostas and flowers!
An image doesn't always reflect slopes. There is fall off of a few feet between the strawberry patch at the right to the point where Scruff is standing.
The beginnings of our strawberry patch were created this weekend, including its first three plants.
We look forward to the day we see our grandchildren sneak up on the berm's path for a delicious berry!
Hey, forget that ... I look forward to the day Mar and I sneak up there with a hot chocolate fondue on a crisp June evening and go crazy! Y*U*M*M*Y!!!!
BTW ... found this site ... lots of neat tips ... fertilizing and especially mulching strawberry plants through winter ...
Growing Strawberries in Ontario
Well here's the overall view of the east end of our garden as seen from the patio window ... we think a marked improvement over what was there when we arrived less than two months ago on July 24th ... it was basically just grass ... now, wait till it is all planted, grown up, greens of every shade and flowering!