Travellers Can Now Drive the Niagara's
QEW with a Safe and Secure Feeling,
knowing that it is Being Watched Over
and Guarded 24/7
QEW with a Safe and Secure Feeling,
knowing that it is Being Watched Over
and Guarded 24/7
Furthest View of the New Guard from
Across the QEW on the South Service Road
Across the QEW on the South Service Road
Closer View from Across the QEW,
Taken on the South Service Road
Taken on the South Service Road
Closest View from Across the QEW,
Taken on the South Service Road
The Home (Gnome) Guard as Seen from
the South Shoulder of the North Service Road
the South Shoulder of the North Service Road
Here He is as Seen from the North Shoulder
of the North Service Road
of the North Service Road
Up Close and from Behind in the Garden
Here's The Home (Gnome) Guard, Watching
Over and Keeping the Traffic on the Queen
Elizabeth Way Safe and Sound
Over and Keeping the Traffic on the Queen
Elizabeth Way Safe and Sound
Marching through the house, I went out back, climbed the berm, (and with much difficulty because he DOES weigh about 70 pounds), placed him atop the privacy wall to watch over the QEW.
Well they started to laugh.
I told them to come for a ride and we'd go around the block to see what he looked like.
When we pulled up on the other side and saw him watching over us, Ali and her friend laughed until tears were rolling down both their faces.
See! Gardening CAN be fun!
I can only imagine what they are saying at their high school today! There'll probably be lots of traffic on the Service Road tonight!
(At least they'll all be safe ....)