Any doubts about the stump that Scruffer and I hauled off the mountain yesterday fitting in were smashed as the first morning coffee was being enjoyed. Sitting smack dab in the east garden, it looks like it has been there for eons. The stump definitely creates a focal point in that section.
Can't wait until next summer when all of Gloria & Don's iris bloom at its base. Isn't it funny how we don't want life to go too fast, yet we can't wait to see our garden toils in full bloom.
Mar and I differ in opinion on the wall behind. I want it to disappear in an array of vines and blooms. She likes it. We'll give Scruffer the deciding vote I suppose, (knowing he likes to do #1 up against plants, LOL.)
The bird bath and feeder have been crowded all weekend as the sparrows have found this new food supply. Sorry guys for chasing you away to get this shot ... we'll go back inside so you can fill your tummies!