Our Baby Cactus
(click on image to enlarge)
Well, the little, winter-(supposed)- hardy cactus we have given a home to in the Bonsai Garden is faring as well as all the other plants.He definitely seems happy among the Japanese Maples and the fast-growing ground cover, (does anyone have a name for this invasive ground greenery?).
In fact, does anyone know the species name of this cactus?
Boy do we have a lot to learn! ... "This is a cactus and this is a well, um, er .... a pretty flower!"
If anyone else has a cactus in a northern clime, perhaps you could help us with its winter care. We're thinking mulch plus one of those small milk carrying containers to protect it from our winter.
Finally, does it work? I accidentally brushed up against it. It's not those large quils that get ya. They are easily removed. I was also stabbed with a couple of dozen minute little rust coloured ones that are virtually invisible ... until they are in your skin.
This is DEFINITELY a gift for your worst enemy if he gardens. LOL