... from our E-mailbag ~ from Adelaide, Australia ~ A Different Garden Gnome
Hello Mike,I've been enjoying your garden photos (and those from some of your friends) tonight. As well as the wonderful plants, I've also been admiring the various garden gnomes......here's my contribution ... and dare I suggest that I may be the only one of your readers (the Canadian ones anyway) to own this one.No doubt you'll know who he is ... the famous English cricketer from many years ago, Dr. W.G. Grace. And after Australia's debacle in the second Ashes Test that's absolutely the only mention I'm making of the great and glorious game. :-) Love Jenny
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New Word Coined by Gardening Author
"Hortgasm" - A hortgasm is what a garden fanatic has when sighting a particularly beautiful specimen. ~ James Dodson, Beautiful Madness, Penguin Group, 2007
Great Source for Japanese Maples and Bonsai
Alan Trafford
* Tel (905) 309-1697
* E-mail atrafford@hotmail.com
* Also maintains stall every Sunday at Jordan Market, Jordon, Ontario
Great Source for Perennials!!!!
Cindy Ripley
6 Nursey Lane
(No Kidding!)Fonthill
Best call or E-mail for an appointment
We bought 45 plants for $30 on July 10/07.
That has to be the best price anywhere!
She has them growing in her garden, plus has pictures of all, so great way to choose your own.