Two Sunflower Varieties
Being Germinated
Kong Sunflower
Mammoth Russian Sunflower
There are several varieties currently being germinated in the flats down in the basement. The ones pictured above are the two largest, (both images found on-line).
Other varieties being "hatched" vary from mid-sized, (approx 5 feet), to dwarf (two feet); the latter will be for the beds in the centre of the gardens.
These two giant varieties will be placed along the perimeters and create natural hedges for the summer with big smiling faces!
The Kong variety branches like a tree and produces several flowers per plant. Hope so!
In reading all the on-line material, there is much that can be done to maximize the size of the flowers and heights of the plants. Seems they thrive on a good supply of nutrients, especially nitrogen. Also, because they do well in clay, they should be very happy in our garden when they send down their tap roots!